Organizing Frontline Communities for a Just Transition

This program aims to organize frontline communities in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic in a locally  rooted, internationally coordinated campaign for a Just Transition. We tested transformative ways to engage and organize frontline communities affected by climate change and inequality to lead their own transformation and participate in democratic processes for a Just transition. The rationale is that frontline communities that are the most affected by the impacts of climate change and systemic injustice are often not meaningfully engaged in the Climate Justice Movement and in discourses on what a transition to a sustainable society should look like. In particular, in Central and Eastern decision makers are often voting at EU level in opposition to European climate policies and will continue to do so without a strong demand for a just transition from their citizens. This calls for a need to work in these countries to build bottom-up power of frontline communities to organize for a Just Transition locally and at European level.  

We conducted a community organizing process in frontline communities in Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic, building relationships, supporting the development of their organizing and leadership capacity and facilitating collective analysis, and campaigning for common issues. We used community organizing as a strategy for bottom-up systemic change and power shift.


  1. Empower frontline groups in 3 CEE countries to organize for a Just Transition
  2. Develop capacity to organize for a Just Transition in Europe
  3. Network building, learning exchange and campaigning for a Just Transition.


The programme organizes ECON member organizations to organize communities at the frontline of climate and social injustice in Europe.


The programme contributed to (1) Develop the capacity of three frontline groups to lead organizing campaigns for a Just Transition, (2) Coordinate local campaigns inernationally by engaging organizers and leaders in international meetings, trainings, learning exchanges, strategic planning. (3) Frontline groups lead a transnationally coordinated campaign for a Just Transition in Europe and connected through ECON’s expanded network with the Climate Justice Movement in Europe.



More resources about this programme can be found at


If you are interested in being part of the programme and in the process, please contact us at