Donate to support our work

The European Community Organizing Network supports organizers to build grassroots power for social and environmental justice in Europe.


You can support ECON in one of the following ways:

1. Donate via bank transfer

Bank details for European donors:
Europska siet komunitneho organizovania  /  European Community Organizing Network
IČO/VAT ID:  50525387
VUB Banka, Námestie SNP 2093/13, Zvolen, Slovakia
IBAN: SK61 0200 0000 0037 5130 2353
Bank details for US donors:
Europska siet komunitneho organizovania  /  European Community Organizing Network
IČO/VAT ID:  50525387
VUB Banka, Námestie SNP 2093/13, Zvolen, Slovakia
IBAN: SK5502000000003916904353

2. Donate via PayPal (click on the icon)

3. Donate via Darujme Online platform (click on the icon)

4. Send a check to

Name: Europska siet komunitneho organizovania  /  European Community Organizing Network
Address: Námestie mládeže 587/17, Zvolen, 960 01, Slovakia
VAT ID:  50525387
Bank: VUB Banka, Námestie SNP 2093/13, Zvolen, Slovakia
Account number: 0000003751302353

If you have questions or encounter challenges in donating via the provided platforms, please contact us at

Thank you for supporting the European Community Organizing Network!