The Movement Learning Catalyst is a programme in partnership with Ulex Project, Maynooth University and European Alternatives aims to develop movements’ capacity of transversal and transnational organizing.
Programme deliverables include 1. Research report on movement learning needs, 2. A competence framework for the MLC, 3. A curriculum for the MLC, 4. A Blended and Digital Course, and 5. A year long programme and Community of Practice.
Developing and disseminating a curriculum titled “Movement learning Catalyst” with learning resources in four main areas of content (1) Transversal Organizing, (2) Transnational and Translocal organizing, (3) Movement Strategy, (4) Movement Learning. We will complete a hybrid year-long programme (online/offline) to test this curriculum with a cohort of representatives of different movements across Europe (including ECON members) with several online and offline learning activities, as well as completing all the deliverables.
A training and action learning programme strengthening the ecology of social movements and enhancing capacity for transversal and transnational organising. This programme aims to respond to the key challenges movements and organisations are facing in Europe, from fragmentation, persistent divisions within and between movements, and a lack of movement capacity for longer-term and coherent strategy. It aims to nurture the interconnected movements and responsive strategies needed to challenge the interlocking systems of oppression we face today. Combining high quality training, an action learning framework, and cross organisational and movement networking, the programme enables movements to find new and transformative ways of working across our differences, issues, communities, and socio-political cultures – supporting the building of the kinds of impactful social movement alliances required to achieve the depth of structural transformation we need today.
The programme is designed to connect different struggles and communities across issues, strategic approaches, and localities. Key themes include (1)Transversal organizing and movement building across different movement issues and organising traditions, (2) Transnational organizing and movement building across geographies, countries, cultures. (3) Movement Strategy in complex and changing contexts, (4) Movement learning and popular education. It places action-learning, deep ongoing reflection, and building solidarity-based relationships at its core, and it draws on case studies, political analysis, reflection and learning in movements.
The programme includes different learning activities in person and online and contributes to producing a research report, a curriculum and learning guide, and testing a year-long programme with a cohort of organizers and activists.
The programme is for experienced activists, organisers, and trainers based in Europe who have substantial personal history of social movement engagement and experience to share with each other; are embedded in organisations or networks that can benefit from thinking strategically about their place in social movements, and well placed to bring new learning back to their organisations or movements.
The programme contributed to (1) publish a research report on movement learning needs, (2) develop a competence framework for movement learning, (3) Design curriculum and learning guide for organizing for systemic change (4) testing the curriculum with a cohort of representatives of different movements across Europe on a year-long hybrid programme.
More resources about this learning programme can be found at
If you are interested in being part of the programme and in the process, please contact us at
ECON is a hub for the community organizing movement in Europe. We support organizers, groups and organizations to build collective power to respond to systemic injustices and emerging crises and create a just and democratic future for all