Sasha Josette, Director of Organizing, UK

Sasha Josette is ECON’s Director of Organizing. She has 20 years’ experience in campaign communications and community organising with a focus on building organising practises and effective communications strategies around the climate crisis. This includes; participatory policy, community wealth building, political and organising strategies to challenge the rise of ecofascism, and political education embedded in a practise of collective care. Her work is rooted in working class communities closest to the pain of the climate crisis, (for example, ex-mining towns, towns with declining high streets, and towns with high rates of unemployment and poverty).

She is the former director and co-founder of Breathe: community organising for climate justice,  co-founder and board member of the World Transformed Festival; co-founder of The Political Education Project; manager of national digital community organising team of The Labour Party Community Organising Unit (including 2019 general elections); she worked for 20 years in campaign communications consultancy with a range of organisations including on violence against women, policy and research, sex worker and addiction, independent  news and progressive campaigns for political representatives and elections.

Organising is in her bones. She sees the urgency and mobilising culture of the movement exhausting our people and our organisations. She knows it is not sustainable. She knows the solutions required are to build deep relationships with communities closest to the pain to the crisis; prioritise leadership development; create organising strategies to counter the rise of ecofascism; and embed a culture of collective care in our organising methodology and political strategy. All of this is why she co-founded Breathe: community organising for climate justice. She believes that when our local strategies for change are connected and aligned to our international partners like ECON we can win change for our people, communities and planet.