Our vision, mission, values


ECON’s vision is to build a just, democratic and sustainable society in which we all live with dignity, democratic rights, and in solidarity with each other. Our vision is part of a global vision for a socially and environmentally just and democratic future.


Our mission is to organize progressive groups and organizations in Europe to build collective power for systemic justice by building networks, developing organizing capacity, coordinating campaigns, and supporting the sustainability and infrastructure of  the organizing movement in Europe. 



We challenge and work to dismantle unjust power structures and relations to ensure equity and opportunities for all.


We value the democratic rights of all people and their participation in decisions that affect their lives. We value spaces for democratic dialogue with respect towards diverse opinions.


We seek to build a diverse, pluralistic, democratic society that is internationalist, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-gendered, and which values the sexual identities of all.


We believe our struggles for justice and liberation are interconnected. We build solidarity relations and organize and stand  with those affected by injustice.

Collective Power

We believe in building bottom-up collective power rooted in relationships and alliances among people, communities, groups, organizations, movements to transform unjust systems and create a better future together.


We value learning from each other’ experiences, struggles and wins by reflecting, listening, sharing, asking questions and exchanging lessons learned. We value a wide variety of approaches to organizing and we view ECON as a space to develop a collective practice of organizing in Europe.